domingo, 20 de outubro de 2024

geckium has released! + new project (possibly)




geckium has finally released after a long time, you may be thinking? what is geckium and what is the importance of it?

it is a firefox theme that accurately recreates the chrome ui into firefox, it has been worked on for a long time and it has released today.

but due to this i will be scrapping my vivaldi chrome project, vivaldi is very crappy in terms of theming, i had troubles with tabs and etc. but i will still work on my other projects, if i get motivation.

you can download geckium here:

 you just need to follow the instructions in the readme, its worth installling.


anyways, since i was in the topic of projects, i will announce my current focus.


ive been researching about the monte, its patches, guides and mods so i could gather knowledge to make my own menu.

i dont know what ui will be my menu, maybe it will be a android ui or not. i only started working now on the actionscript and i also dont know if its kinda worth doing it, but anyways thats all for now.


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